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“Becoming”, the life of Michelle Obama

This documentary is inspired by the book with the same name written by Michelle Obama. She tells the changing of her life, of her adolescence under discrimanation until her debut with her status of 44th first lady of USA.

Her life before

Michelle Obama was born in the South of Chicago in a black family in 1964. However during the 70s, white familiess were fleeing districts in which black families could be found, this is what follows in har adolescence. Michelle Obama did studies where she was extremely put aside because of her skin coulour. But, by dint of hope, she will obtain an important place in her studies as her position of treasurer director of her lawyers class. She will validate her lawyers studies but also a job as a lawyers. She will dedicate this success to her grand-father called Dandy who also lived with those same discriminations which refrains him to enter a univercity and his father suffured from multiple sclerosis. Afterwards, Barack Obama will be her intern and will get closer little by little during their days, but everything cames before their total change of life.

Changing of life

After that Barack Obama became the president their banal life has been changed. Their lives became instantly difficult, in the first place, they are the first presidential couple black so they are frowned upon population at that time. But over the years, they were able to be accepted despite that difficult life behind the curtains. She then quoted that this life forced her to create a picture of her in order to be accepted in the american society and to delete myths saying that she hates America. She then succeed while trying to create a normal life in the White Houde, dinners were not cooked by Chiefs but by the family. They wanted to create this White House a real home, they agreed visits from friends and their childrens, they also created friendly links with their bodyguard. Their life changed with the passage of Barack Obama as the president, but they also achived to be symbols of America but also an almost banal family.

Her commitments as the First Lady

By her status of 44th First Lady, she possessed numerous responsabilities and she also commit for a lot of projects which were important for her. Those projects are in the first place to remove that discrimination inside of USA about black families in order to accept them in the society. But we can see in this documentary that Michelle Obama instaured also a lot of confidence to today's youth, this is them who will manage society, she says repeatedly "I am proud of you", she encounters them many times and give them advices. Michelle Obama is represented as a second mother for the teenagers, she "educate" them indirectly, just like her children refusing help from salaries to do usual tasks to let childrens do them.

We can see that the adventures lived by Michelle Obama, in her previous life, in her life as the First Lady or the return of her banal life, but also with her numerous commitments, she will stay a pillar of feminism and an example for population.


First Lady : In general, we call the First Lady to the Wife of a Head of State or Government.

Treasurer : The treasurer/treasurer is in charge of the management of available money (cash) in a company.