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Feminine epopee

Feminism's history is a long and grueling saga. It started during the 8th century before JC until now where that presumed battle is still not finished.

Amazons, female warriors

As said before, feminism started in the 8th century before Jesus Christ with the appearence of Amazons. Appearing during Antiquity, they remains mysterious and interesting women who were the subjects of numerous studies. Amazons are groups of women warriors located in the North of Asia Minor, Black Sea's riverbanks or also extreme west of Libya. The expression of "Amazons" was created in order to describe a group of warriors women, who were like fantasized. A lot of antics myths are suggested by historians, like Justin who told that they cut their right breast to be more precised as archers. From this image of warriors, amazons have a status of figures of feminism because they send an image of strong women, equals to men.

Victory of Women's Voting Rights

This endless war has also made appear a lot of studies for politics. The evolution of Women's Voting Rights started with quotes as The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen written by Olympe de Gouges in which she explained that the woman, when born, is free and remains equals to man during the end of the 18th century but she will still follows her husband's order. The evolution started actually in the 3rd Republic in which women shows that they are clearly indispensable to the proper functioning of the economy during the First World War. It's only from 1944 that the French Republic allowed women to vote and eligibility of women. But this political battle is not finished, we can see that during the second half of the 20th century with revendications from women about social life, economics et political, and they militate for a real equality until April 29, 1945 where women voted for the first time the municipal elections. From years to years, women get liberties in order to be at the peak of equality with men.

Representatives of feminism today

During this endless war, we find a numerous amount of figures in the goal of defending this case during those last years. Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, belongs to them via different of her actions. In a first time, she is the first women with 10 years spend as a chancellor. She also did studies in Science before her current position, her political power represents her as a "leader" among the European Union. Moreover, during Summer 2015, while desperate Syrian refugees flocked in Europe, Angela Merkel took a decision : to let enter approximately 1 Million of refuges inside Germany. We notice this same detail with Michelle Obama, who while she was talking with a little girl, she understood that her parents didn't have ID card, so she decided to help them. Those 2 political women continued that famous war, and own a place among the "leaders" of Feminism thanks to their heroic actions.

We then notice that this war doesn't have a real ending, however women win numerous battles whether they are political or social.

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